Forums - XSF tactics/combos Show all 28 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- XSF tactics/combos ( Posted by dogface on 10:09:2001 07:24 AM: XSF tactics/combos Everyone says there's no tactics in XSF. And I bet there's not much, but still there's some. You know, like strats with characters are always cool to discuss. Plus I know we all have our favorite leet combos. And I know there's a select few of us that LOVE xsf so let's keep the game alive! I play Ryu, Cammy, Gambit and Wolverine. If anyone's got any questions, I'm down to help. dogface Posted by illusion on 10:09:2001 11:02 AM: hi victor ol pally... sorry i have no strats to contribute ... ask mr. bendher crish Posted by dogface on 10:09:2001 06:37 PM: Uh..thanks chum. Did you guys sell the XSF at Cyberstation? Posted by soujiroten on 10:09:2001 07:09 PM: Storm's runaway in XSF is ridiculously good. Aside from that, everyone has infinites. *EVERYONE*. Most people have a lot of them, too. Wolverine, Cyclops, etc... Clops sweep XX MOB is inescapable. Some throws like Akuma's air throw and Magneto's air throw are comboable. Pretty easy Ryu infinite: Cornered opponent: jab, short, strong, hopkick, repeat. Oh yeah, and Rogue has some really weird juggle properties that make her different from everyone else. -SJ Posted by dogface on 10:09:2001 09:24 PM: quote: Originally posted by soujiroten Clops sweep XX MOB is inescapable. -SJ soujiroten, MOB- which optic blast is this? qcf one, cuz I'm pretty sure you can roll out of this. I know standing roundhouse into optic blast is inescapable. yeah, Rougue is pretty different. Finding a GOOD Rogue player is scarce since she takes alot more effort than most of the other chracters. The only good counter I think against runaway storm is Cyclops at best. With his jumping up roundhouse, fierce optic blast, and directional super, I think he comes the closest to chasing her down. The rest really struggle. I mostly play on Saturn nowadays since the arcades have gotten rid of the game, scrubs have moved on, and me and my pals can use the Game codes and goof around. dogface Posted by Silver Paladin on 10:09:2001 09:49 PM: Rogue's weight class is heavy I believe. When I do an air throw with Sabertooth, she bounces like Zangief or Juggs. I consider myself a decent Rogue player. Really though, Rouge is not too good a character unless she gets to absorb a good ability (Dhalsim, Akuma, Gief, Juggs, Charlie). If I'm playing against a Chun-Li, Bison or someone else with a crappy ability, I'd usually pick someone else. Posted by illusion on 10:09:2001 11:13 PM: cyberstation got rid of that game... Posted by soujiroten on 10:09:2001 11:33 PM: MOB is the qcf+PP. If you cancel the sweep early enough, it's a juggle and not rollable, as far as I know. If you use the MOB as an OTG, then sure, it's rollable. The thing is, if you cancel early enough, you never *TOUCH* the ground, and so it's actually a juggle. Rogue plays differently than everyone else, but when I mentioned Rogue was different, I meant that she has stranger juggling properties than everyone else. That's why there are some pretty strange Rogue-only combos, like bison's flying pseudo-infinite (launch, fly, short, forward, short, forward, short, forward, etc.). I think it only works on Rogue, I'm not sure how it works, exactly... I just remember what I saw and messed around with. --SJ Posted by Combo Master on 10:10:2001 02:11 AM: What about the following characters? 1)Wolverine 2)M.Bison (I really think his stuff is easier to cancel into than in MSH vs. SF and MvC2). 3)Gambit (his classic air combo is just great! Somehow everytime the computer does it, it seems as though it takes out about 1/4 of life energy away from my life bar). 4)Magneto 5)Charlie 6)Chun-Li 7)Akuma (most of his stuff is comboable, but it all seems a little dull!) 8)Cammy 9)Sabretooth 10)Juggernaut (somehow you can get 8hit Juggernaut Headcrush...anyone know how?) If anyone is nice enough to cover these characters for me, I'd really appreciate them. All I do with these characters are combo exhibitions but when it comes to playing a real human vs. human (or human vs. high difficulty CPU), combos aren't just enough! Another thing, you don't have to cover them all in one post, that's gonna take a while so what you can do is cover those characters which you do know how to use well! Thanks! Posted by soujiroten on 10:10:2001 02:30 AM: Heh... easy stuff. 1)Wolverine Learn his infinites. Abuse the dive kick XX rh. Wolvie-rush them (dash jab, short, repeat). 2)M.Bison (I really think his stuff is easier to cancel into than in MSH vs. SF and MvC2). I think he sucks in this game. Not sure, never really played him. 3)Gambit (his classic air combo is just great! Somehow everytime the computer does it, it seems as though it takes out about 1/4 of life energy away from my life bar). Abuse his DP+jab. Thing reaches like half the screen, and hurts. Learn his infinites (like stand short x infinity). 4)Magneto Run a lot. Abuse his throws. He's nowhere near as good as he is in MvC2. Learn his infinites too. 5)Charlie Um... learn his infinites? Never really played Charlie much. 6)Chun-Li Abuse her low forward. A lot. Low forward to poke, XX kick super. Play mind games with her air jump and high priority air fierce. Learn her infinites, though hers are a bit tougher... 7)Akuma (most of his stuff is comboable, but it all seems a little dull!) Learn his infinites. Abuse his raging demon (only 1 meter!). 8)Cammy similar to Chun, low forward should always be canceled into super. Abuse her double jump and spider-man jump in chain (jumpin jab, strong, fierce). Learn her infinites. 9)Sabretooth Abuse his high priority jumpin fierce, rh. Always follow up an air throw with a super. Learn his infinites. (Sense a pattern here?) 10)Juggernaut (somehow you can get 8hit Juggernaut Headcrush...anyone know how?) You get an 8 hit headcrush from mashing like a demon. Cancel out of the long-recovery moves like s.fierce and f+fierce with the qcb grab. Always follow a throw with a headcrush. Abuse his jumping strong. The key to being good at XSF is to know how to set up and pull off infinite combos. Still, you might want to learn either Cyclops or Storm, since they are both really *really* evil in that game... Runaway Storm is just plain nasty. --SJ Posted by Combo Master on 10:10:2001 05:29 AM: You mostly stated teh words "Learn the infinites" wtf? I think there's other ways to win without having to learn the! And no, not all of Chun-Li's infinites are hard to learn, I have one where you could just pretty much use a turbo joystick and set Medium Kick on Turbo and do the following on Juggernaut: Chun-Li headstomp infinite On Juggernaut (Combo Master's version): In the corner, J.FP, J.Fwd+FK \/ S.LP,S.LK,S.FK /\ straight up SJ.LP,SJ.LK,SJ.LP,SJ.LK /\ DJ.LP,DJ.LK,DJ.FP,DJ.Fwd+FK, hold down+hold MK (which should be on turbo) for Infinity Headstomp! Now if you don't have a turbo joystick or are playing teh arcade version...well you're pretty much in deep shit cuz you're gonna have to mash that MK button real fast for infinite headstomps and not mess up even once. M.Bison: He does not suck, in fact I find him to be easier to use in XSF than in MvC2! Why? He just feels "right" in XSF for me, but not in MvC2. The end! Posted by soujiroten on 10:10:2001 05:48 AM: I already know that infinite on juggy. When you say there are ways of winning without using infinites, I agree. Sure. Still, not using the infinites in XSF is like not using kara-cancelling in 3s, and not using Gief's Superjump in A3. They're a tool, they exist in the game, and they make it interesting. The most effective players in the game will utilize infinites. If you don't want to play like that, go right ahead. Just remember that you're handicapping yourself by doing so. --SJ Posted by dogface on 10:10:2001 06:37 AM: Combo Master, Charlie has two big strenghts (imo). Whenever someone jumps in or crosses up, take a half step forward, do crouching medium kick (it'll hit real meaty, they'll land on it) and cancel into super. Get accustomed to c.forward XX sonic boom super. That's a BIG STRENGTH. His knockup is shallow so try to do low, zoning kick attacks instead. Then someone jumps in, you do duck fierce, then air combo. Second big strentgh would be his aierial flash kick. u, uf, f kick in air. It's hard to master but learn that to pressure to the oponent and do fakeouts (you can do multiple ones off a super jump). Also, get used to the range on his airthrow and abuse that. You can OTG afterwards. I think you can win without infinites if your comp doesn't play with infinites. However, they are an integral part of XSF, and eventually you will comprte with players who do them. I'll post more strats when I get the chance. dogface Posted by dogface on 10:10:2001 07:09 AM: Combo Master- with Gambit, ALWAYS use his j dp swipe. It has INSANE priority and his hard to counter. Plus, the recovery is so quick that you can keep doing it. Gambit has a great zoner, jump in, and enormous priority with j.fierce. It's great to keep out aierial opponents (Storm, Mags, etc), and it's good to jump in with due to range (you don;t have to jump ion to shallow). Plus, if it connects, do a quick dash in-S.LK, S.FK, XX J dp swipe or J.Kinetic Card. His super kinda sucks sinde the recovery is so long, but it's good if you can bait someone iinoto throwing a fb, or if some airdashing player is overhead and you can hit him with the stick. I'd mostly throw the supr in after J.FP, J.FK,\/ D.LK, D.FP XX Super. That's pretty guaranteed and pretty easy. take your time with his air combo since you can do it either slow or fast. Plus, if you time it right, you can add a throw in there. Go to and look up the game. James Chen's faq is essential if you wanna learn XSF. dogface Posted by krx original on 10:10:2001 07:44 AM: Charlie- - Use jab Sonic Boom to zone. It has very little recovery time. Also against Cammy, Bison, and Wolvie, if they try to duck under the Sonic Boom, do a j.RH (crossup may work with j.down Short) \/ d.c. Short -> c.Fierce -> AirCombo. Learn to zone with it as well. Jump in while holding back, j.RH (blocked) \/ c. Short -> c.Forward -> Sonic Boom. - I like to bait with the air Razor Kick. Do the air Razor Kick while on the ground, with the opponent a half screen/one-third screen away. Make sure the move DOESN'T hit. Chances are, they'll try to dash in and combo. You'll land, and you can either hit a c.Forward or a weak Razor Kick. - I see this one guy always chip with the Sonic Break. Very effective. Also, you can link three in a row. Learn the timing on when to throw the next super out. After the third one, they'll either be dizzy, or they'll be in a corner so you can go for a corner combo into infinite. - Abuse the c.Forward from mid-range. Don't rely on the c.Short up close. It will probably lose (Wolvie). - I use c.Short -> c.Forward -> s.Fierce xx Sonic Break instead of just c.Forward because the Fierce causes a longer reel, allowing the entire Sonic Break to hit the other guy. - Always use weak Razor Kick, but not against fast characters, because they can dash in quickly and combo. Slower characters generally can't get close. Posted by qwijibo on 10:10:2001 08:08 AM: whats xsf? Posted by dogface on 10:10:2001 05:07 PM: quote: Originally posted by qwijibo whats xsf? X-Men versus Street Fighter dogface Posted by Silver Paladin on 10:10:2001 09:19 PM: For Wolvie help: His B&B combo: D. C. Short, C. Strong, S. Roundhouse /\ SJ. Jab, SJ. Short, SJ. Strong, SJ. Forward, Drill Claw (Up or U/F). In the corner tack on this to the end: Dive Kick, SJ. Roundhouse \/ /\ J. Jab, J. Short, J. Forward, J. Roundhouse \/ (you can repeat the /\ J. Jab, J. Short, J. Forward, J. Roundhouse for an infinite if you want or you can finish it with) C. Short, C. Strong, S. Fierce, D+F Fierce (Claw Slide). Very impressive, it's pretty long for a non-hyper/non-infinite combo. Anytime you see SJ. Strong, you can do 2 or even 3 SJ. Strongs because they chain into themselves, but I find that I knock them too high if I do more than 2. Keys to Wolvie: SJ. Strong, SJ. Strong, SJ. Strong, SJ. Strong == Makes Meter. Hard to punish. Abuse the Dive Kick, Roundhouse, ESPECIALLY in the corner. You can get some good zoning on that, then tick him with a throw. You can launch off his throw. Infinite Setup: besides the one I listed you can do it off a Hyper Bezerker Barrage in the corner. Just D. C. Short XX Hyper Bezerker Barrage, /\ J. Jab, J. Short, J. Forward, J. Roundhouse \/ /\ J. Jab, J. Short, J. Forward, J. Roundhouse \/ REPEAT His C. Short Combos into nearly everything. Poke with it, it's nearly impossible to counter. Plus, his dash is so fast that he plays kind of like a MvC2 Mags in this game. He can easily punish people who whiff a Fierce/Roundhouse/Launcher from 1/2 screen. Posted by Combo Master on 10:11:2001 02:07 AM: Well just yesterday I found myself playing XSF at my local arcade and I was playing against an average player. I picked Wolverine and Ryu and the other guy picked Juggernaut and Magneto. At a certain point, he got careless and I pratically was almost about to do an infinite on him. However since he wanted his dignity, I just hit him with my 70+ hit Wolvie combo on his juggernaut. He sucked with Juggernaut even though he said he was good with him. If you want to know the combo, here it is!(not, he didn't even care to roll away from the otg part at the beginning!) I got his Juggy in the corner and did: J.LK, J.MP, J.down+MK, J.down+FK \//\ J.LP, J.LK, J.down+MK, J.down+FK\/ dash in (for as close as you can get), D.S.LP, S.LK, C.MK, Down/forward+FP (claw slide OTG), S.FK /\ SJ.LP,SJ.LK,SJ.MP,SJ.MK > UP/FORWARD DRILL CLAW, SJ.LP, SJ.LK, SJ.FK, SJ.FK as you fall, land, jump and do J.LP, J.LK, J.MP, J.FP, J.FK, land, jump and do J.LP, J.LK, J.MP,J.MK,J.FP,J.FK, land, juggle juggernaut before he touches the ground with S.LP, S.LK,S.MK, S.FK for re-launch /\ SJ.LP,SJ.LK,SJ.MP,SJ.MK > UP/FORWARD DRILL CLAW, SJ.LP,SJ.LK,SJ.FK, SJ.FK as you fall, land, jump up and do J.LP, J.LK,J.MP,J.FP,J.FK, land, jump up and do J.LP, J.LK,J.MK, slight pause, J.FP, J.FK, land, jump up and do J.LP, J.LK, J.MP,J.MK,J.FP,J.FK, land, juggle juggernaut before he touches teh ground with S.LP, S.MP,S.MK,S.FK for re-launch /\ SJ.LP,SJ.LK,SJ.MP, SJ.LP,SJ.LK,SJ.MP,SJ.MK > UP/FORWARD DRILL CLAW, SJ.FK, SJ.FK as you fall, land, jump up and do J.LP,J.LK,J.MP,J.MK,J.FP, J.FK, land, S.LP, S.MP,S.MK,S.FP,S.FK The guy got mad and left!! (this was his: ) And Im not lying, this really happened! Unfortunately there was no one there to tape it or else I'd be able to show you some visual prove! Posted by State of Nature on 10:11:2001 04:57 AM: quote: Originally posted by Combo Master [B I got his Juggy in the corner and did: J.LK, J.MP, J.down+MK, J.down+FK \//\ J.LP, J.LK, J.down+MK, J.down+FK\/ [/B] Please tell me he was in recovery of some move, because if you started your jump-in combo on juggy using anything other than fierce or rh attacks, then you are both unbelievable scrubs. It's called super-armored ground pound. So tell me he was doing an earthquake or was recovering from a jab juggy punch or something, please... Posted by dogface on 10:11:2001 05:36 AM: State of Nature, quote: Originally posted by Combo Master He sucked with Juggernaut even though he said he was good with him. yeah, I think this guy said that this dude's Juggernaut was scrubby. dogface Posted by Combo Master on 10:12:2001 01:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by State of Nature Please tell me he was in recovery of some move, because if you started your jump-in combo on juggy using anything other than fierce or rh attacks, then you are both unbelievable scrubs. It's called super-armored ground pound. So tell me he was doing an earthquake or was recovering from a jab juggy punch or something, please... Actually, yes you are correct! He was in a recovery time from a Fierce Earthquake punch. He thought that by using this move he would get me to jump up instead of towards him so that when I came down and he recovered from the move, he would hit me with his Juggernaut Headcrush super (he had like Lev.1 and 1/2 super meter available for him to use). However, it completely failed and he lost his Juggy! Posted by dogface on 10:13:2001 07:19 AM: I think Juggernaut can be top tier in this game. Y'all agree? df Posted by Combo Master on 10:13:2001 08:43 AM: I dont think so ! He seems to be more brutal in MvC2!! Posted by State of Nature on 10:13:2001 11:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by Combo Master Actually, yes you are correct! He was in a recovery time from a Fierce Earthquake punch. He thought that by using this move he would get me to jump up instead of towards him so that when I came down and he recovered from the move, he would hit me with his Juggernaut Headcrush super (he had like Lev.1 and 1/2 super meter available for him to use). However, it completely failed and he lost his Juggy! Oh god...what a fucking scrub (him, not you). Props for finishing him off flashy and not efficiently. Posted by Combo Master on 10:13:2001 06:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by State of Nature Oh god...what a fucking scrub (him, not you). Props for finishing him off flashy and not efficiently. Heh!...Yeah! It was fun too! Seeing him all pissed and stuff, it was like he was getting ready to kick my ass for reals but he didn't. Oh well, his loss not mine! Posted by Combo Master on 10:13:2001 06:20 PM: Oh yeah, and what happened to his other character? WEll he died from my team )! Posted by dogface on 10:17:2001 04:59 AM: AZ roolz this game. df All times are GMT. The time now is 10:09 PM. Show all 28 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.